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Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Physical Sciences
1.a  physical properties
Life Sciences
2.a  observe, describe similarities
       & differences
2.b  attributes may be fictional
2.c  identify major structures
Earth Sciences
3.a  characteristics of landforms
3.c  resources from Earth
Investigation, Experimentation
4.a  observe using 5 senses
4.b  describe common properties
4.d  compare & sort by attribute
4.e  draw & oral communication

(involves visual specimens)
Number Sense
1.1  compare for amount
1.2  count & order
1.3  more/less
2.1  use objects to add, sub.
Algebra & Functions
1.1  classify objects
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  compare measurements
Data Analysis
1.1  record data,
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1  set up math problem
1.2  use data to model prob.
2.1  use objects to explain reasoning
2.2  precise calculations

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.3  printed material provides information
1.17 sort words in categories
1.18 describe w/general & specific language
Reading Comprehension
2.3  connect to life experiences
Literary Response, Analysis
3.1 diff. fantasy/realistic
1.1  begin to write story
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1  say complete sentence
Listening, Speaking
1.1  listen & respond orally
2.1  orally describe
2.2  Use logical sequence

First Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Life Sciences
2.a  features for environment
2.b  needs of plant, animal
2.c  basic food chain
2.d  food requirement inference
2.e  roots uptake water
Earth Sciences
3.c  sun warms land, air, water
Investigation, Experimentation
4.a  draw features described

(involves visual specimens)
Number Sense
1.3  represent equiv. forms
2.5  show meaning add, sub
2.6  solve add, sub problem
Algebra & Functions
1.1  number sentences
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  compare measurement
2.4  arrange, describe object location
Data Analysis
1.2  graph to compare
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1  create problem
1.2  use specimens to model problem
2.1  use objects to explain reasoning
2.2  precise calculations

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.1  match oral to printed
1.17 classify categories
Reading Comprehension
1.2  who, what, when, etc.
1.6  prior knowledge to text
1.7  retell central idea
Literary Response, Analysis
3.3 discuss prior read info
1.2  use descriptive words
Written & Oral Conventions
2.2 write brief expository
Listening, Speaking
1.2  use complete sentences
1.2  singular/plural nouns
1.5  punctuate sentence
1.7  capitalize
1.8  spell


Second Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Physical Sciences5
1.a  describe position
1.b  describe motion
1.c  size of change of position
Life Sciences
2.a  organisms reproduce
2.b  sequential stages of life cycle
2.c  organism characteristics inherited
2.d  variation among a species
2.f  flowers → reproduction
Earth Sciences (correlation w/text is appropriate here)
3.b  weathering
3.c  soil supports plant growth
3.e  resources in environments
Investigation, Experimentation
4.a  predictions on patterns
4.b  measurements of specimens
4.c  compare/contrast specimens
4.d  write/draw sequence
4.e  construct data bar graphs
4.f  magnify small objects

(involves visual specimens)
Number Sense
4.  fraction work
Algebra & Functions
1.1  simplify mental calcs.
1.2  number sentences
1.3  data use to solve problems
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  measure
1.2  measure w/different units
1.3  measure to nearest unit
Data Analysis
1.1 record numerical data
1.2 represent data in charts
1.4 analyze data
2.1 recognize/describe patterns
2.2 solve w/number patterns
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1 problem set up strategies
1.2 tools to model problems
2.1  justify problem procedure
2.2  check validity of results
3.0  note problem connections

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.1  spelling patterns
1.2  basic syllabication
1.3  decoding
1.5  regular plurals
1.6  read aloud fluency
Reading Comprehension
2.2  state purpose
2.4  ask  clarifying questions
2.5  restate facts, details
2.6  recognize cause / effect
2.7  interpret charts, graphs
2.8  follow two-step instructions
Literary Response, Analysis
3.1  compare, contrast settings
1.1  group related ideas
1.2 legible handwriting
1.4  revise draft
2.1  write narrative
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1  complete sentences
1.2  correct word order
1.3  parts of speech
1.4  commas in series
1.6  capitalization
1.7  spelling
Listening, Speaking
1.1  determine purpose
1.2  ask for clarification
1.3  paraphrase
1.4  follow oral directions
1.5  organize for clear focus
1.6  speak clearly & paced
1.7  recount in sequence
1.9  report with facts, details
2.2  multi-source report

Third Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Physical Sciences
1.b  plants - stored energy
2.a  sunlight - shadows
Life Sciences
3.a  plants, animals have organs
3.b  diversity in environments
3.c  life changes environment
3.d  change – adapt or die
3.e  extinction and evolution
Earth Sciences
4.e  seasons affect life
Investigation, Experimentation
5.b  diff. evidence & opinion
5.c  numerical data
5.e  collect & analyze data

(involves visual specimens with creative use)
Number Sense
3.1  compare fractions
3.2  add, subtract fractions
3.3  decimal problems
3.4  compare fraction, decimal
Algebra & Functions
1.1  relationships of quantities
1.2  equations, inequalities
1.3  operational symbols
1.4  unit conversions
2.2  linear pattern by rules
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  choose appropriate tools
1.2  area & volume by estimate & counting
1.3  perimeter work
1.4  unit conversions
Data Analysis
1.1  common event probability
1.2  record outcomes
1.3  graph/plot outcomes
1.4  predict future events
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1  analyze problems
1.2  simplify problem
2.1  estimation & verification
2.3  variety of explanations for math. reasoning
2.4  solution clearly expressed
2.5  differentiate exact & estimated solutions
2.6  precise calculations verified
3.3  apply results in other areas

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.2  decode multisyllabics
1.5  specificic levels relationships
1.6  word context
1.7  dictionary
1.8  prefix use
Reading Comprehension
2.2  connect prior knowledge
2.3  demo comprehension w/  supplied questions
2.5  main/supporting ideas
2.6  extract information
2.7  follow multi-step instructions
(suggest oral/written report)
1.1  topic sentence & details
1.2  legible
1.4  revision
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1  sentence structure
1.2  subject/verb agreement
1.3  tenses
1.6  commas in locations & series
1.7  capitalization
1.8  spelling
Listening, Speaking
1.1  paraphrase
1.2  prior experience
1.3  question response
1.5  organize ideas
1.6  central idea
1.7  specific vocabulary
1.10 compare ideas with other media
1.11 distinguish fact from opinion
2.1  well-prepared narrative

Fourth Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Life Sciences
2.a  plants – food chains
2.b  producers/consumers
2.c  decomposers recycle
3.a  ecosystems
3.b  survival of fittest
3.c  plant/animal codependency
Earth Sciences
5    erosion components
Investigation, Experimentation
6.b  estimate & measure specimens
6.e  graph & interpret measures

(required visual specimens, written information & classroom map use)
Number Sense
1.3  round numbers
1.4  determine when to use rounded numbers
1.5  interpret fractions
1.7  visual fraction relativity
4.1  factoring
4.2  prime numbers
Algebra & Functions
1.1  variable use
1.2  parenthesis use in expressions
1.3  use & interpret formulas
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  perimeter & area
1.4  use p & a formulas
Data Analysis
1.1  graph data
1.2  statistical evaluation
2.1  probability outcomes
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1 relevant/irrelevant, sequencing, patterns
2.1  estimate to verify
2.2  complex problem strategies
2.3  methods for reasoning
2.4  solution expressed logically
2.5  advantage of exact or estimate
2.6  precise calculations
3.3  apply generalizations to other circumstances

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.2  prior knowledge to decode
1.3  root words
1.4  roots, affixes to analyze meaning
Reading Comprehension
2.1  structural patterns in informational text
2.2  strategies for purpose reading
2.4  evaluate new info
2.5  compare/contrast
2.6  cause & effect
2.7  follow multi-step instructions
(suggest oral/written report)
1.1  focus, structure, point of view
1.2  multi-paragraph comps.
1.3  traditional structures
1.4  fluid & legible writing
1.5  quote or paraphrase
1.7  reference materials
1.9  basic keyboarding skills
1.10  editing skills
2.3  write information reports
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1-7  write & speak w/skills appropriate to level
Listening, Speaking
1.1-10 comprehension, organization & delivery of orals, analysis of oral media
2.2  informative presentation
2.3  oral summaries

 Fifth Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Life Sciences
2.c  digestive organs
2.e  vascular plants
2.f  photosynthesis
Earth Sciences
3.b  liq. water → vapor
3.d  fresh water is limited
4.b  weather patterns
Investigation, Experimentation
6.a  classify for criteria
6.c  plan & conduct investigation
6.f  appropriate measuring tools
6.g  record & graph data
6.h  draw conclusions
6.i  write report

(requires visual specimens, written information & classroom map use)
Number Sense
1.2  percents, decimal, fraction
2.3  simple mixed number work
2.4  fraction multiplication
Algebra & Functions
1.1  graph info to solve problem
1.2  use of variable
Measurement & Geometry
1.1  geometric areas
1.4  units of measure: area, perimeter, volume
Data Analysis
1.1  mean, median, mode
1.3  fractions & percents to compare data
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1  analyze problems
1.2  simplify problems
2.1  estimation
2.2 strategies for complex problems
2.3.  variety of methods to explain reasoning
2.4  clear & logical solution
2.5  advantage of exact or estimate
2.6  precise calculations
3.3  apply generalizations to other circumstances

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.2-4  specialized vocab
Reading Comprehension
2.1  understand text features
2.2 analyze sequential text
2.3  main ideas & concepts
2.5  ID facts, inferences, opinions
1.3  locate relevant info
1.4  electronic media to create documents
1.6  edit & revise
2.3  research report
(suggest oral/written report)
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1-5  write & speak w/skills appropriate to level
Listening, Speaking
1.1  seek info not already discussed
1.3  inferences based on oral report
1.4-6  organize & deliver oral communication
1.7-8  analyze & evaluate oral, media communications


Sixth Grade



Language Arts

(adapt contents for further study)
Life Sciences – Ecology
5.a  energy transfer in food webs
5.c  populations by web functions
5.d  similar ecological roles
5.e  carrying capacity
Earth Sciences
1.f  plate tectonics to Earth features
2.d  geologic events change habitat
4.a  sun major energy source
Investigation, Experimentation
7. a-e  scientific method
7.f  interpret topo, geologic map
7.h  change to nat’l phenomena

(requires visual specimens, written information, research)
Number Sense
1.2  ratio use to show relative quantities
1.4  percentage of quantities
Algebra & Functions
1.2  multi-variable expression
2.1  measurement conversion
Measurement & Geometry
1.3  formulas for volume
Data Analysis
1.1  mean, median, mode
1.3  outlier affects measures of central tendency
1.4  central tendency measure - useful info
2.1-5  analyze statistical data
3.1  outcomes, possible events
3.5  in- & dependent events
Mathematical Reasoning
1.1  analyze problems
1.2  formulate conjectures
2.1  estimation to verify calcs.
2.2  strategy to complex probs.
2.4 variety methods to explain math. reasoning
2.6  advantages of exact or approximate
2.7  precise calculations

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.2-3  specialized vocab
Reading Comprehension
2.3  main idea connection
2.4  clarification tools
2.5  multi-step instructions
1.3  organizational patterns
1.5  formatting
1.6  revise to improve
2.2a-d  expository compositions
2.3a-c  research reports
 (suggest oral/written report)
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1-5  write & speak w/skills appropriate to level
Listening, Speaking
1.1-3  comprehension
1.4-7  organization & delivery of orals
1.8-9  analysis & evaluation
2.2  informative presentation

Seventh Grade



Language Arts

(components used to augment text)
Life Sciences
2.a  life cycle, reproduction
3.1  environ factors → diversity
3.2  natural selection
3.4  concept mapping, specimens
3.5  environmental changes → adaptation or extinction
5.a-g structure & function of living organisms
Physical Sciences
6.h  joint comparison for function
6.i  musculoskeletal system as levers
Earth Sciences
4.f  plate movement affects organism survival
4.g  explain geologic time scale plant & animal changes
Investigation, Experimentation
7.a  appropriate tool use
7.b  variety resources for research
7.c  written scientific method
7.d  scale models
7.e  reports: written & oral

(requires visual specimens, written information, research)
Number Sense
1.6  % increase, decrease
2.1  exponents
Algebra & Functions
1.5  graph quantitative relationships
Measurement & Geometry
1.1 compare measures between systems
2.1  formulas for area, perimeters
3.2  use coordinate graphs
Data Analysis
1.1  data set display
Mathematical Reasoning
2.1 estimation to verify calcs.
2.2 strategy for complex probs.
2.4  make/test conjectures
2.5  variety of methods to explain reasoning
2.7  advantage of exact or approximate
2.8  precise calculations
3.1-3 apply strategies to new problems 

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.2-3  specialized vocab
Reading Comprehension
2.1  analyze diff in structure & purpose
2.2  locate information
2.3  analyze for cause & effect
2.6  assess evidence to support claims
1.1-3  organization & focus
1.4-6  research & technology
1.7  revise to clarify
2.3a-d  write research report
(suggest oral/written report)
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1-7  write & speak w/skills appropriate to level
Listening, Speaking
1.1-3  comprehension
1.4-6  organization & delivery of orals
1.7-8  analysis & evaluation
2.3a-d  research presentation


Eighth Grade



Language Arts

(components used to augment text)
Physical Sciences
6.a  carbon chemistry
6.b elements in living things
Investigation, Experimentation
9.a  conduct experiment
9.b  evaluate data
9.c  variable & controlled parameters
9.e  graph construction

(requires visual specimens, written information, research)
Number Sense
1.6  % increase, decrease
2.1  exponents
Algebra & Functions
1.5  graph quantitative relationships
Measurement & Geometry
1.1 compare measures between systems
2.1  formulas for area, perimeters
3.2  use coordinate graphs
Data Analysis
1.1  data set display
Mathematical Reasoning
2.1 estimation to verify calcs.
2.2 strategy for complex probs.
2.4  make/test conjectures
2.5  variety of methods to explain reasoning
2.7  advantage of exact or approximate
2.8  precise calculations
3.1-3 apply strategies to new problems 

Word Analysis, Vocab
1.3  verify meanings with context techniques
Reading Comprehension
2.6  variety of researched information
2.7  expository critique
1.1-3  organization & focus
1.4-6  research & technology
1.7  evaluation & revision
2.3a-d  write research report
(suggest oral/written report)
Written & Oral Conventions
1.1-6  write & speak w/skills appropriate to level
Listening, Speaking
1.2  purpose, point of view
1.3-7  organization & delivery of orals
1.8-9  analysis & evaluation
2.3a-d  research presentation


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County of San Bernardino County of San Bernardino