If you would like to use Google Earth to search for the data below, click here.  You must have at least the free version of Google Earth installed on your computer.

Before using the Site Map Index below it is suggested that you first use the Daily Precipitation, Temperature, Peak Streamflow or Average Streamflow options (also below) to first get a general ideal of which sites you might be interested in and to obtain the Site ID and Zone numbers.  These links will take you to a Zone Map of San Bernardino County where you can obtain a list of sites that have data available by clicking on one of the zone numbers.  The list that appears will give some general information on each of the sites and, by selecting the site number, you will be able to download and/or view a zipped text file containing historical data.  The data is arranged in a tabular  format for easy viewing and importing into other applications.  There are quality codes assigned to each value.  Should you have difficulty in viewing/printing text files, here are some hints.  Remember, these files are compressed and need a program to unzip them.  You can find one here.  Once you have an idea of which site/s are of interest, you may want to view a text file containing periods of record for the different sensors at each site.  Note that some sensors and the available record shown in this text file may not be online but are available in our database.

To allow users to do their own searches for the site/s they need, here is an Excel spreadsheet you can download and sort on Site, Site Name, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Township, Range, Section, and Site Commence and Cease dates.

DAILY PRECIPITATION is a listing of daily precipitation totals by water year (Oct - Sep) in order to avoid splitting the wettest months of the year between two calendar years.  The daily totals are composite values from automatic recorders and manual observations.  These manually observed daily totals may not have occurred all on the date reported. At the bottom of the map you will notice a link for Zone 7.  This zone is a catch-all category for gauges that influence San Bernardino County and/or are maintained by another entity.  The gauges are not in any one particular area.

AVERAGE STREAMFLOW will give the amount of water in cubic feet per second averaged over a given day that flowed past a gauging station.

PEAK STREAMFLOW is a list of the maximum amount of water, (again in cubic feet per second), that was recorded at the gauging station on a given day.  Streamflow data is also collected by water year.

TEMPERATURE shows the maximum and minimum daily temperatures.  The daily values are composite data from automatic recorders and manual observations.  These manually observed daily values may not have occurred all on the date reported

Site Map Index










ID # Cross Reference List for HYDSTRA and new Site ID's




 Revised: December 04, 2009